Foo Fighters’ lead star David Grohl has come out with a shocking confession.
He’s confirmed that he’s cheated on his wife with a mistress and also has fathered a secret baby with her, outside of his marriage with his wife.

The news sent shockwaves in the entertainment industry as fans slammed the star for the ridiculous and non-serious attitude he had for his loved ones, especially his wife and kids.
Moreover, his kids have kept their distance from their dad and gone as far as to delete their social media account handles after being bombarded with more questions and hate regarding his father’s behavior.

The star was called out for being so insensitive and casual about the whole matter. He publicly posted the message on social media as his Instagram account blew up with comments and concerns from fans around the globe.
The star tried to cover up the matter by adding that his wife and kids mean the world to him and he’s working on regaining their trust back into his life.

The star hoped to seek forgiveness for his actions from his loved ones and also hoped this chapter could be forgotten as he plans on making a fresh start.