A baby boy with no family members was recently laid to rest by police and strangers after his tiny body was found at a recycling center in South Dakota.
Sources from local media outlets spoke about how the full-term baby was found in Sioux Falls on August 6th but no name or traces of the parents could be found, despite a lot of investigations.

Still, a massive gathering of people showed up to his funeral where cops were pictured carrying his tiny coffin to church where community members gathered.
The Pastor of the funeral service shared how he may not have had a family when he was born but he now has a huge family of worshippers who came to honor his existence in this world.

Despite a lot of investigations on the matter, the authorities were unable to track him down. They are still working hard to determine the circumstances of Gabriel’s death including his age and how long he’d been present at the recycling center.
It’s also not clear whether he passed away from natural causes or if he was killed.

Sioux Falls Police Department spokesman Sam Clemens described the infant as ‘full term’ and acknowledged that the investigation is still taking place right now.