William & Kate Will ENCOURAGE Charlotte & Louis To NOT Be Working Royals

In what was described as a shocking turn of events, the future King and Queen of England are not keen on making their kids working royals.


Time is flying and that day is not far when we see little George, Charlotte, and Louis all grown up and ready to face the real world.

Source: Yahoo

But just because they were born royal does not mean their parents are expecting them to be working royals in their adult life.

According to one royal insider, both William and his wife Kate are chartering new plans for their kids’ future and that includes not encouraging them to be working royals.

Source: Yahoo

As per another insider for the Daily Beast, it can no longer be assumed that these two young kids will get on to become the next to the throne.

They are being encouraged to follow their hearts, talents, and desires. This means being whatever they want to be in the future and not restricting them to just the working royal position.

Source: Yahoo

While Kate and William know that they can never lead a normal life like other kids because of their family ties, they will still be allowed to follow their passion and grow up to take on a career that they enjoy which is far from the working royal life.

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