Diver Records ‘Last Moments’ After Separating From His Group and Becoming Stranded at Sea

A scuba diver who was left stranded in the sea more than 30 miles from the shoreline managed to record his final moments after losing all hope.


According to reports from ABC News, the 30-year-old was identified as Jacob Childs who got stranded off the southeastern coast after he became separated from his entire scuba diving group.

Source: ABC

Childs described himself as an experienced diver and happened to be diving at the Althea Wreck on Tuesday but then all of a sudden, things went downhill for him.

He found himself all alone with no one in sight. Nobody knows how he managed to drift away so far from the entire group so soon.

Source: ABC News

His exact location was 30 nautical miles northeast of Bundaberg in Australia but later details revealed that he failed to grab the boat’s tagline and that led to this outcome.

Hours went by and Childs decided to record his final moments and thoughts using his GoPro.

Source: vt

He spoke about how that’s it and how the sun will go down and no one will do anything. ‘That’s a wrap old Jakey,’- he says in an emotional tone, clearly losing all hope after search crews had failed in terms of spotting him drifting into the sea.

However, it was a miracle when a plane flying from above managed to spot him and rescue him, four hours later.

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